Friday, March 7, 2014

Eli's newborn photos

I can't believe Eli is already more than two weeks old. He's changed so much in such a short time, and that's very bittersweet. I am going to miss this brand-new stage, when he's still tiny enough to curl up in a little ball on my chest and has that sweet baby smell. I love it. I'm so glad I get to spend every day (and most of the night... which I won't miss as much, let's be honest here) soaking it all up. 

I took these pictures when he was 5 days old. Considering my lack of photography experience, especially when it comes to babies, I'm really happy with how they turned out! I'm glad I'll have these to help me remember what he was like when he was this small. 


  1. Beautifully done! I think he looks like Dallin.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Kylie! He is certainly his father's child, no doubt about that.

  3. These turned out fantastic!! He is just so scrumptious!

    1. Thanks! I think so too... definitely not biased or anything. ;)

  4. He is precious! You did a fabulous job photographing him and you are right, they grow up much too quickly! Enjoy every moment with him because you will never get that exact moment back again. :-)

  5. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing these pictures- I have a two year old that has been a pain lately and it's been hard to get excited about the new little one coming in a month or two. You're pictures have gotten me ready and excited about getting a new little one! Yours is just beautiful, congrats!

  6. aww i love the little peach fuzz on his face & little arms. such a sweet little guy. huge congrats to you both!
