Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hello, Tuesday

Things I have done so far today:

-Changed two stinky diapers. It's only 9am.
-Spent far too much time on the phone trying to figure out why NAU is trying to make me pay for a parking ticket I never could have gotten, especially since I never actually attended school there and don't have a student ID (which they need to find out anything about it, and which I would need to pay the fine). SO FRUSTRATING.
-Tried to distract Eli from reaching a level 10 tantrum during said phone call. Annnnd I succeeded, hallelujah! It "only" got to about level 7.5 and I "only" had to ask the nice man to repeat about half of everything he said.
-Changed my clothes once after being drenched in a rare spit-up incident, but hey at least that means I got dressed, right? Dressed TWICE, no less! So fancy.
-Ate chocolate for breakfast, but only because (to my great dismay) we are out of ice cream. (Mental note: must remedy that technicality today.)
-Used the restroom to the tune of Eli crying because I am the meanest mom ever to not be at his side all day erryday. Separation anxiety has arrived, it seems.

And just because no post is complete without a picture, I tried to take one of him smiling with the intended caption of something like, "At least he is still cute," but just before I pushed the button...

And I just had to laugh. 

Plus, he is still cute. Thank goodness.

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