Friday, February 28, 2014

I'm in love.

This little human has me tightly wrapped around his (freakishly long) little fingers and I love it so much. And I love my sweet little Eli so much. And I love sleep so much too, but thankfully not as much as I love him since I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a half-awake (at best) zombie for the rest of my days. Fact.

We survived the first week together, and while it hasn't been the easiest week of my life it just might be the happiest. This little man-cub is the best, and I just can't squish or kiss or stare at him enough. I love being his mama. He makes the sleepless nights worth it, 100%.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you! And he is absolutely precious. Hugs to you and that sweet boy.
