Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Need a laugh today?

Then do yourself a favor and check this out.

Way too good. This makes me so happy every time I watch it, and you better believe I've watched it more than a few times today. It kills me every time!

I had an oral surgery earlier this year, and when I was waking up apparently I had a hard time getting my eyes to cooperate with each other. (P.S. You should see Dallin's impression of my confused, groggy face and wandering eyeballs. It's probably even funnier than I was in person.) Anyway, I was trying so hard to focus on Dallin but I couldn't stop seeing double for a little while.

Even though I only have a very faint, dream-like memory of this, and wasn't really all there at that point, Dallin says I smiled in his general direction and said, "Two Dallins? What could be better?" Annnnd then I conked out for a few more minutes before really coming back to life. I must really love him if I'm mushy even when I'm barely conscious, eh? That's nowhere near as great as the guy in this video but it still makes Dallin and I chuckle.

Happy Tuesday! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is by far the most entertaining YouTube video I have ever seen! And I mean that. Jake and I watched it together and were cracking up the WHOLE time! I love the part where he says, "do we call each other baby?" Hahahah. Priceless.
