Friday, April 12, 2013

Top five pet peeves {Friday Five}

Let's be honest. I have more than five pet peeves. ;)
 Here are just 5 of them (in no particular order).

1. Bad drivers.

Although I hate to admit it, I can have a bit of road rage at times, In my defense, I usually do keep my cool, and the extent of my "road rage" is just sticking out my tongue in their general direction or wishing a flock of large birds would pelt their car with some... surprises. 

But... on the inside, this is how I feel. 


2. Bad spelling and grammar

I'm not saying my spelling and grammar is perfect. No siree. I make some pretty stupid mistakes sometimes. It doesn't bother me at all when people misspell a word or two, or make some other error by accident. It happens to the best of us. I also think it's okay to take some creative liberties that sacrifice some grammatical rules, as long as it isn't too hard to read. What does bother me is when people make really simple, obvious mistakes, and then make them all the time. I'm amazed that these people made it past elementary school, and that some of them even became my college professors. 

If you ever want to make my soul die a little, just tell me something like, "I don't know weather I like you're blog, because you write wierd stuff their sometimes and its alot of gross stuff about how much you love you're husband and that definately is way TMI."

Also, I promise to put less mushy stuff, but I can't help it because my husband is pretty fantastic. Sorry. ;)

P.S. don't get me started on people who use the word "literally" incorrectly. Girl, if your heart is "literally breaking" then you should probably do something about it, like... call 911 maybe? ;)

3. Crude language

Few things disgust me as much as this does. One of the (many) reasons I quit my job a few months ago was the unceasing cursing and vulgar subject matter. It was never-ending, no matter how many times I nicely asked my co-workers to please stop talking about that stuff when I was around, or at least give me a heads up so I could plug my ears or go outside. It was miserable. Hearing the horrible things they said left me feeling filthy. Oh, I am so thankful I don't work there anymore. So thankful.

I have wanted to do this so many times.
4. Loud chewing

I am really trying to get over this one because it is a little ridiculous. Unfortunately, it seems like the older I get the more sensitive I am. I'm seriously concerned about what is going to happen when I am pregnant. Hopefully it doesn't get too serious or else I might be eating in seclusion for 9 months. ;)

5. These.

My response?


'Nuff said.

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

P.S. If I we ever get a pet I shall name it Peeve so that I have a literal pet Peeve.

P.P.S. You should watch this. These guys are amazing.

Happy Friday! 


  1. I agree WITH all of your pet peeves. As in, they also bug me.

  2. I want to slap every person for every incorrect "literally" they inject into their sentences!!! GAH. Oh, and please, people, learn the difference between you're and your...their, they're, and there. This is elementary English, not rocket science. THANK YOU for writing this, Mikaela. You're Durftacular.
